Monday, November 21, 2011

AI! WeiWei.. lets get naked.

how are you all?

So I doubt many of the people who know me, know who Ai WeiWei is, the Chinese artist and political activist with the loveable beard and reputation that stretches far beyond the limits of a country who lives a silenced existence.
But the truth is, more of you should know him.

Earlier this year Mr Ai WeiWei was arrested and detained for 81 days by Chinese authorities without any official charges being made. What was this all about?
This is silliness I say, its like being fired from a job as a banker, when in reality you work in retail. Its mean.

Mr Awi Wei surely has a massive hand that can change the world for the better, but unfortunately he is being forced into submission by the government who seem to only want to mass produce toy-cars and dolls.

They for some odd reason, also felt the need to DEMAND that the San Diego Contemporary Museum return two marble chair sculptures built by Ai WeiWei, even though the Museum purchased the sculptures.

Now, the Chinese government is attacking him and some of his staff, regarding a photo that is apparently showing some serious pornographic tendencies.
They claim the photos is aiding in the creation and spread of porn in china.
I am sorry to say, but I doubt this photo is going to arouse anything other than some artistic boners.

See what I mean?
Nothing sexy about that other than when you finally stop looking.

Now, when Mr Ai WeiWei was released he had to pay a generously absurd amount of money as bail, as he was released on charges of tax evasion.
Mr Wei did not have the money required to pay the obscene amounts they demanded, and so supporters of the artist sent money and made generous donations, some even folding money into paper-planes and flying them over his gates and into his garden.

For those of you who would like another art boner, here is his work "Sunflower Seeds" that is the result of hundreds of hours of labour, and work from himself and small factories set up to create 100 million hand-made sunflower seeds that now lay in an exhibition space at the Tate Modern Turbine Hall in London. The piece consists of 100 million porcelain seeds, carved to look exactly the same. Mr Wei is inviting us to poke fun and to open our eyes at the same time, at the mass production that is China.

Now, I have given you a silly intro and my very basic understanding of the issues surrounding ArtReview Magazines most powerful figure for 2011.
But what I really wanted to get at, was the protest.

The world is alight with the sound of protest and occupation actions happening everywhere, and the art and music coming from the camps and protestors surprise and leave us all smiling and hopeful. From Amanda Palmer and her Uke, to the "Bat Sign" sending message of hope to the OWS protestors in the form of a projector onto a building. When the followers and enthusiastic fans of Mr Ai WeiWei heard of the outrageous of the Chinese Governments actions and claims in his "spreading of porn" by posing unsuggestively on a chair amongst 4 acceptably attractive woman [i assume its a niche market] they would not sit back.
This time they protested in a way I deem beautiful. By posting picture of themselves naekd online. Nothing suggestive, nothing sexual. Some mocking old art work and sculptures, some on the toilet, some just standing there. Some of them hide their faces and others hide their genitalia underneath images of Mr Wei's face.
Its all too beautifully alluring and fun to be considered bad.
CHECK OUT THE IMAGES HERE.. if you read chinese and can tell me what it says, i'd be ever so grateful.

Now this is enough about Ai WeiWei, because even here in my own Country we are facing a sort of inevitable destruction of our freedom.
Tomorrow Parliament in South Africa will vote on the Protection of Information Bill, if this bill passes then this basically gives the government the right to control and sensor the media. Do you want this to happen? Did not think so.
You like reading about random shit in the BEELD way to much. So show your support for #BlackFriday tomorrow, wear black. Wear black to school, wear black to work. They might argue with you, but if you don't show your support to stop this Bill, then one of these days you wont be able to even consider going against something because you would have given the government the right to control who you are, and what you view.

I will post pictures of my #BlackFriday outfit tomorrow, I will obviously be rocking it Lady Gaga style.

For now, love and peace.

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